GNU/Linux User Group

Event: CLI Text Editor Workshop

Room 265, The Joyce Cummings Center

3:30p-6p on February 27th, 2022

Did you know that there are more text editors than there are stars in the universe? It’s true! You may have heard of VSCode and Atom, and probably use one of them for CS assignments, but there are so many more options. In fact, many editors can run inside a terminal, over just an ssh connection. Such editors — including vim, micro, nano, ed, and even emacs — are beloved by many of the greatest computer scientists of our time, and are sure to greatly enhance your own productivity. Whether you want to develop a new skill, are interested in a niche part of programming culture, or just want to get assignments done more quickly, learning about command-line text editors is an excellent opportunity.

Tufts’ unofficial GNU/Linux User Group has organized a workshop, to be held on February 27th, 2022 in room 265 of the Joyce Cummings Center, where you can learn more about command-line text editors in a low-pressure, hands-on way. No registration is necessary.

The slides are available here.

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